Panzer Aces 37 (EN)



2. Tracks, the Most Important Attribute (1/35)
Adam Wilder shows us a T.34/85 with a very original finish. Article focused in the painting of the tracks of a model with a fantastic assembly and a superb paint work.

10. Saipan Beach (1/35)
A wonderful scene built by Peter Horvath that represents a wreck of a Sherman in a Saipan Beach. Besides the tank and some original figures, Peter dares with one of the most difficult elements in the model making, the water.

18. VE DAY (1/35)
The Allied forces celebrated the Victory in Europe effusively. Jorge Jaldón captures an instant in a small but wonderful vignette.

24. Pz.Kpfw IV Ausf.H (1/35)
A classic German Panzer IV revisited by one of the most talented modelers in Europe, Radek Pituch. A nice example of winter camouflage with new techniques and outstanding results.

34. US.G.I. (1/35)
Great figure sculpted and painted by tandem Laurent Borget / Artur Miniszewski. The article is completed with actual images of the real winter US G.I. uniform in World War Two.

40. A ride to the front (1/72)
A tiny vignette masterly carried out by Andres Bernal with a Stug and some infantry with cycles set in the first stages of the War in the East.

46. The enemy at home (1/35)
Jorge Porto finishes this work showed in last issues with his funny scene. A nice idea with nice results.

52. Leichte Zugkraftwagen 3t Sd.Kfz.11 & 210 mm NEBELWERFER 42
An eye-catching late war halftrack and a rocket launcher combined in an imaginative manner by Attila Baranyi. The job is well finished with good scenery that brings the vehicle more interest.

60. Modelling Lessons: Vallejo & AK Interactive paints test.
Rubén Gonzalez reveals with a series of tests the main characteristics of new products that help modelers to achieve nice results.


Specific References

Panzer Aces 37 (EN)

Panzer Aces 37 (EN)
